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About Kebekat Ragdolls

My name is Isabelle Bellavance... and I wish to welcome you to Kébékat Ragdolls. I am a dedicated Ragdoll breeder who lives in the Montreal area, in Quebec, Canada.

A Bit About Myself...

My passion for animals started early on. I always wanted a horse, but as a teenager, since our family lived in the city, I settled for a dog… a big dog! Great Pyrenees were my introduction to purebreds and showing. I initially wanted to breed these big white fluffy polar-bear wanna-bes, but for a number of reasons, this never quite happened. Having moved out of the family home, for a number of years and only until fairly recently, I always owned a Pyr. I did however reorient my passion for showing and breeding to something more manageable in size

Assistant & Official Socializer!


Looking For The Perfect Breed...

After searching for the perfect breed, Ragdolls seemed to be the logical choice. Their laid back, easy going temperament, large size, and easy to care for coat all matched the traits that had appealed to me most in Great Pyrenees, but in addition, Ragdolls were known to shed less, had a soft voice, fetched AND came when you called them! All qualities that lacked in my beloved dog breed! My first Ragdoll was named Toffee - and he fulfilled all of my expectations and then some!

My First Ragdoll...

Toffee's breeder explained about cat shows to me and I was eager to enter the show ring with Toffee. Toffee was actually a 'pet' but a VERY nice one! Ragdolls had just been recognized for Championship in CCA, and the judges where very pleased to see such a wonderful example of the breed being presented for the first time in Montreal.

 Needless to say, the kitty did real well and came home with several finals ribbons. 

More calls and some more waiting and as they say, the rest is history! I now live in a cozy country home which I share with my four-footed family. At the moment, there are no Pyrs lying across the doorstep but hopefully there will be one again in the near futur so that the Ragdolls have a cozy friend to cuddle with. 

Kebekat kittens are socialized in a 'smoke free' home environement

My Proudest Accomplishments...

My start in Ragdolls was small - first with the pet - Toffee, the show alter - Boo, and the breeding trio (Utrecht, Delft and Haarlem). I started showing locally in CCA in 1992 - with an occasional TICA show. At the time, I managed to do about 10 to 12 shows a year concentrated mostly in the spring and fall.

Then in 1999, Judy Kay Halsey, the CFA Ragdoll Breed Chair, asked me if I would enter some of my cats in the CFA International in Kansas City. The goal at 
this International was to give a good impression for the upcoming board meeting where Ragdolls were petitioning for moving up from Provisional Status to Championship Status. I was known for having a lot of bicolors most of which had high titles in CCA and TICA. To support the effort, I pretty much entered everything that was old enough, not pregnant or nursing and in good condition (my cats were bathed on a weekly basis so most were :)). I drove from Montreal to Kansas City with 6 Ragdolls in tow. 

That was my first taste of CFA and the rest is pretty much history :-) I've exhibited at about 42 - 46 shows a year, became a CFA licenced Master Clerk, attended all of the CFA Annuals and International shows, have been elected as CFA's Ragdoll Breed Council Secretary, attended the Breed Awareness School, written several articles on the Ragdoll for the CFA publications, given several presentations to the board and with the help of other breeders, got all of our patterns (including the colorpoint and mitteds) fully accepted for Championship status at the February 2008 board meeting.

Historical Show Accomplishments ...

I have been honored and fortunate to have my cats accomplish many wins in the show ring that have been historical for the breed of Ragdolls in CFA. Show accomplishements by cats owned and/or bred at Kébékat include:

  • 42 CFA Grands (GC/GP), 37 that were home bred with the Kebekat prefix
  • 8 CFA Regional Winners (RW) 
  • 4 CFA National Best of Breed Winners (BW) 
  • 3 CFA Distinguished Merit Award Winner (DM) -2 females and The first male to have acheived this title
  • 3 CFA 'One-Show-Grands'
  • The first Breed Winner and Regional Winning Ragdoll in CFA - GC, GP, BW, RW Dollhowse Denver Blues of Kébékat,DM 
  • The first CFA Grand Champion male - GC Tinsle Bagheera of Kébékat 
  • The first CFA Grand Champion female - GC Kébékat's Razzle Dazzle 
  • The first CFA one-show Grand - GC Dollhowse Congressman of Kébékat 
  • The first CFA non bicolor Grand - GP Kebekat Paradigm - seal mitted spay

Future Goals ...

For those who wondered about my interest in breeding, I must explain that I am a Biologist by profession. I specialize in the captive breeding of endangered wildlife for conservation and reintroduction programs. My family is still at a loss to explain my passion for animals of all species, but they saw this interest in me at a very young age.



 Caring for my family along with the cats and work, my showing activities had significantly slowed down. Covid, and boarder closures have pretty much brought that to a halt in 2020-21. I look forward to attending some more and seeing my cat friends again when all this is under control.

I am dedicated to the Ragdoll breed and will continue to develop my breeding program to the best of my ability while persuing my interest in CFA.



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(514) 705-0152